미국판 개벽이 화제…30분 만에 자유를 되찾다

김현경 기자 기자  2010.12.29 12:08:57


[프라임경제] 미국판 ‘개벽이’가 전 세계 누리꾼들에게 화제다.

미국 로스엔젤레스 지역 방송국인 KTLA는 지난 27일(현지 시간) 오전 “캘리포니아주 리버사이드카운티에서 독일산 셰퍼드 한 강아지의 머리가 벽에 끼는 사고를 당했다”면서 “도움의 손길을 기다리던 개는 몇 시간 후 리버사이드 카운티 동물보호국의 출동으로 사고없이 구출됐다”고 보도했다.

이 방송사에 따르면 레블(Rebel)이라고 불리는 8개월 된 독일산 셰퍼드가 벽에 난 구멍에 머리가 끼인 채 어쩔 줄 몰라 하는 모습을 집주인의 친구가 목격했으며 이에 따라 동물보호국은 벽을 허물지 않고 레블의 몸을 앞 뒤로 조금씩 움직이면서 공간을 확보해 30분 만에 구출했다. ‘개벽이’는 그렇게 자유를 되찾았다.

다음은 기사 원문이다.

An 8-month old German shepherd puppy learned a hard lesson Monday about sticking his nose where it didn't belong when he got his head stuck in a hole in a wall.

A friend of the dog's owner discovered the pup in distress Monday morning and when she was unable to free the dog herself, she called animal control officers for help.

"My initial reaction was, 'Wow, how'd he get in there?'" Riverside County Animal Services Sgt. James Huffman said. "And why is there a hole that big in the wall?"

Sgt. Huffman and a colleague, Officer Hector Palafox, immediately checked the dog's breathing and determined that he was not in serious danger.

He was still able to breathe comfortably, despite the awkward predicament. Huffman said, "Somehow he got in through there, so we knew we could get him out. But our main concern was not hurting him in doing so."

Both officers checked the space between the block wall and the dog's head.

There was enough room to manage a rescue without breaking down the wall and risking further injury to the animal.

One officer worked the dog's head from one side of the wall, while the other officer worked the dog's body on the other side.

Officer Palafox pushed the dog's ears back to ensure the dog would not suffer during the rescue attempt.

Some minor nudging and roughly 30 minutes into the rescue, Rebel the dog was free once again.

"He let us know if we were pushing too hard - but he kept working right along with us," Sgt. Huffman said. "He helped a lot. You could see his hind legs stiffen to assist in the direction we were going. He knew we were there to save him."

The dog was released to the owner's friend.

Animal control officers suggested the dog's owner put some chicken wire around the hole in the wall to prevent a repeat.

사진출처: 美 KTLA.com